I’ve picked up and put down yoga many times over the years. It’s always a wonderfully relaxing exercise that increases flexibility and strength, while also releasing stress and creating more zen moments in my life. After a long period of not making time for yoga, recently I picked it up again. Through the Peloton app, I found Chelsea Jackson Roberts, who is my new friend in my head. She has singlehandedly helped to re-spark my love for yoga.
Peloton workouts are great, by the way. I do not have an actual Peloton, but I have a slew of friends who are generous with their logins (it’s the new Netflix sharing is caring model). I now enjoy yoga workouts with Chelsea 2-3 times per week.
Today I joined a few of my Peloton-loving linesisters for a Sunday group workout. Self-care is a good workout with an amazing support circle.
If you are not into Peloton, there are a ton of apps and yoga studios that are offering online classes. My favorite local studio, Hot Yoga Capitol Hill, is doing an excellent job at offering classes and also creating forums for people to talk and feel connected to a broader community, which is especially important during these covid-days.
Stay healthy and have a great week!
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