I’ve been seeing a lot of folks online use jade rollers and thought, meh, I don’t need one more thing to add to my skincare regimen.
Well my husband gifted me with a rose quartz jade roller for Christmas so I thought, well let me figure this thing out. lol I did my research and found that the rollers are good for doing the two things I need the most: reducing puffiness and brightening skin.
Being pregnant, I’m just about puffy everywhere, lol, and I’m always looking for more ways to brighten my skin. I’ve been in pursuit of the J.Lo glow since 1999!
I must say the roller feels great on the skin and it also helps your skin care products more deeply penetrate the skin. Rose quartz (also a crystal I use as a part of meditation) is naturally cool to the touch, so even if you don’t put it in the fridge for a few minutes prior to use, the cooling sensation is still very soothing.
I heard you should use it 2-3 times a day to reap the benefits. That feels like a lot to me but I will attempt to use it twice a day as a part of my AM and PM skincare routines. As always, I’ll let you know what I think of it.
Here’s a link to purchase the one I love.
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