I used to laugh at people who were fanatical about Black Friday. I just didn’t get it. What could I possibly want that would make me get up at the crack of dawn and stand in line to get something on sale. Well, three years ago, I was pregnant and really excited to finish our new nursery. I saw the crib and mattress I wanted on sale for Black Friday and I had to eat my words. There I was out in the stores early Friday morning to snag furniture, and then I ended up happily shopping at the Home Goods next door for all the random home decor I could find. They were even handing out hot cider to shoppers. SO MUCH FUN!
Now this year, COVID-19 makes shopping a bit different, but I’m happy to be able to shop in the comfort of my home for the same deals I would find in store.
In my Black Friday deal research, haha, I found that several of the items I have featured on my blog are having nice holiday sales. Here’s a roundup of your favorite G&G featured items on sale for Black Friday. Happy shopping!
Cotton Leopard Print Top

Beautycounter Counter+ Overnight Resurfacing Peel

Overnight Resurfacing Peel, 15% off with free shipping with purchases over $50. Click HERE to purchase!
Beautycounter Counter+ Charcoal Facial Mask

Charcoal Facial Mask, 15% off with free shipping with purchases over $50. Click HERE to purchase!
Aqua Doodle Paint with Water Mat

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