As I continue to reflect on 2020 and the many ways we’ve had to change our routines and behaviors, I have to admit that putting a greater focus on self-care is one behavior that I plan to maintain into the new year.
We’ve had to find different ways to do everything from styling our hair and nails to maintaining our sanity and peace. I’m proud of how I’ve become more self-sufficient, more aware of what my body needs and how to create peace for myself when surrounded by stress.
Here are my top ten acts of self-care in 2020 that will continue to be staples in 2021, with snippets from my past blogs.

Today and every day, I go deep into prayer and meditation. It’s how I find peace and clarity to be able to process all that’s happening in the world. And it’s the only way I’m able to constantly build and rebuild resilience to be able to choose joy, choose hope and cling to the beautiful things that I’m trusting God for in this life.
Create a meditation corner and vision board

Before and after I start my practice, I like to look at my vision board. It’s really become a massive vision wall now since I’m constantly adding to it, and the images make me happy and focused on the goals they represent. Adding in images that spark inspiration or motivate you are helpful to have in view as you’re in a place of peace and focus.

I’ve picked up and put down yoga many times over the years. It’s always a wonderfully relaxing exercise that increases flexibility and strength, while also releasing stress and creating more zen moments in my life. After a long period of not making time for yoga, recently I picked it up again. Through the Peloton app, I found Chelsea Jackson Roberts, who is my new friend in my head. She has singlehandedly helped to re-spark my love for yoga.
Being still had led to more mindful moments and peace that’s necessary to remain whole in these times. I’m so grateful for the chance to unplug.
Shift your mindset for internal self-care
Self-care is all about the internal mindset shifts that help you better manage your emotional health.
A few weeks ago, I hosted an IG live with Racquel from @lupusincolor where we talked about the two main categories of self-care: internal shifts and external actions. The external actions are what people typically think of as self-care: resting, yoga, facials, hair care appointments, etc. I love all of these forms of self-care.
But the truth is that the external actions can’t truly fill you up and you’re not prioritizing yourself if you don’t commit to the internal self-care mindset shifts.
For my own mental self-care this week, I am going to speak positivity into my challenges and ask for help when I need it.
I was doing a little purge cleaning last week and came across some of my old journals in a footlocker. Whew, a lot of vivid memories came flooding back from my college years to mid-thirties.
I realized that I’ve been good about journaling when I’m trying to work through trials and challenges. It’s a good form of therapy for me. But I’m not as diligent when it comes to documenting the happiest points in my life. When I look back over my journals from these periods in life, I don’t want the darker times to eclipse all of the joyful moments and successes that I remember more clearly than anything else.
So self-care this week is journaling. I’m going to write in my “life” journal about all of the big and small moments. And make sure the overwhelming joys are captured as vividly as the few occasional pains.

Drinking a gallon of water a day is no easy feat, especially when your day is packed with all of the things. Work meetings, family responsibilities, errands and a social life can make you feel like the only way to drink that much water is to just never leave the house.
Not true! I’ve been drinking a gallon of water a day during various points of my life. Now I have learned a lot about how to fit drinking a TON of water into my life versus changing my life to meet that gallon goal.
Click the link in title for seven ways to make drinking a gallon of water very manageable, even on a busy schedule.

Lately I’ve been recreating the spa experience at home, and I can say that the one thing that has made my at-home spa treatment feel as indulgent as my beloved spa is a facial steamer.
A facial steamer has amazing skin benefits, but even without it being good for skin care, there’s nothing like the feeling of warm steam on your face and breathing deeply into a cleansing vapor that can help transport you into your own personal place of peace and serenity.
Every Sunday, I spend about 20 – 30 minutes holed up in my bathroom to enjoy a steam facial. I light a few candles, put on a meditation recording or a podcast, and lay out an assortment of exfoliators, cleansers, serums, moisturizers and a finishing spray. With each ritual part of my treatment, my skin feels refreshed and so does my spirit.
If you are missing the spa or if you are looking for a relaxing in-home retreat, a steamer may just be the simplest item you add to your routine as a surprisingly easy form of ultimate self-care.
I’ve really missed getting hair conditioning steam treatments at the salon. Before COVID, I would get this monthly treatment to maintain the health of my hair. In my time away from the salon, I’ve honestly felt my hair feel less nourished. Lucky for me, all good things are only an @amazon away! I bought an at-home hair steamer and it works just as good as the in-salon treatment. My hair is feeling as strong as it did before with just a 15 minute bi-weekly treatment.
Click the link above for the benefits that I experience with hair steaming.
Learn how to cut your own split ends

If you read my blog, you know that months after this post below, I went to a salon for a trim, and I was disappointed with the results. Long story short, I was better off keeping up with my at-home routine that had a MUCH better result.
Without the ability (or comfort yet) to go to a hair salon, my split ends still needed to be cleaned up. I got some good guidance from a stylist about how to help maintain my ends while I am at home. I gave myself a simple split end clean-up and I must say it was easy, I didn’t give myself an accidental mullet and I’m happy with the results that will hold me over until I can go to a salon.
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