I’ve talked before about the power of meditation. It’s one of the things that can immediately help me focus, manage stress and regain patience and peace. As I got deeper into my practice, I started to take some care into my meditation experience – what it looked like, smelled like and how being in that space made me feel. The space that I created makes me look forward to meditating even more and I feel like it’s a greater expression of self-care in my life. Here are a few items I used to create a meditation corner to enhance my meditation experience.
1. Find a dedicated space
I have a small nook in our bedroom that is the perfect size to fit some of my meditation pieces and a yoga pillow. Meditating in a small, contained space helps me to focus and puts all of my meditation items in close proximity.
2. Get comfortable with a yoga pillow/bolster
I love this pillow. It’s firm, yet it allows me to get comfortable in a meditative, upright pose for my entire practice.

3. Add a vision board
Before and after I start my practice, I like to look at my vision board. It’s really become a massive vision wall now since I’m constantly adding to it, and the images make me happy and focused on the goals they represent. Adding in images that spark inspiration or motivate you are helpful to have in view as you’re in a place of peace and focus.
4. Use candles
I have four candles and either light them all during a practice, or individually based on the scent I desire and the mood I’m in. The scents are eucalyptus and peppermint to help energize me, and lavender and vanilla for relaxation. When I meditate at night, I feel most connected to the experience when the room is dark and the only light is coming from the candles.

5. Consider adding crystals
This crystal is a gift from my dear friend Ryane who inspired me to create my own meditation corner as she has created a beautiful space for her meditation practice as well. If you get into healing crystals, rose quartz (pictured) is a great addition to a meditation corner. Rose quartz is the stone of the heart, opening a space for all types of love – love of self, family, friends and romantic love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It can be a very calming and soothing addition to your practice. I have several crystals (all thanks to Ryane!) that range in purpose from promoting motivation and courage to peace and self-esteem, so there are many options that may suite your needs. And they are just beautiful in my corner.

6. Collect your written goals, prayers and thoughts in a beautiful box
In addition to my vision board, I believe in the power of speaking your dreams, goals and prayers into existence. So as part of my corner, I have a box with a paper and pen so I can write down those thoughts. I like to read and reread what I’ve written down as a reminder of where I want to focus and what is already manifesting into reality.

7. Enjoy a succulent plant
The power of nature and plants has long been known to be beneficial to our physical, mental and spiritual health. And it’s a bright addition to the corner that luckily it doesn’t need too much sunlight. It just makes me happy to look at while I’m preparing for a peaceful practice.

The more inviting you can make your space of meditation, the more often you are likely to do it. My space is a place of peace and calm, so even if I just have five minutes, it’s time I can look forward to and enjoy.
These are a few of my favorite items in my meditation corner, but I’m always looking for new additions. What helps you get into a peaceful place in preparation for meditation?

Wonderful tips. I’m going to add my vision boards to my space 😊. Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Tam, what a beautiful post – and essential for self-care. Meditation is one of the surest ways to grow our skills of self-awareness and self-regulation. Thanks for sharing your beautiful space with us. And, thanks for the shout out! My heart is full knowing that our conversations and the rose quartz touched your heart – awww! – so special my sister-friend! 😘😘😘😘
Tam, what a beautiful post – and essential for self-care. Meditation is one of the surest ways to grow our skills of self-awareness and self-regulation. Thanks for sharing your beautiful space with us. And, thanks for the shout out! My heart is full knowing that our conversations and the rose quartz touched your heart – awww! – so special my sister-friend! 😘😘😘😘
You a gem my sweet friend, I appreciate you!